Request a Letter of Support from SCSHA

 This form is for individuals who need to request a letter of support from SCSHA. Please provide your name and information, reason for the request, and a starter letter that could be reviewed so SCSHA can consider if we can provide a letter of support.


Request a Letter of Support from SCSHA!

In preparation for the 2025-2026 legislative session, I have created a way for you to submit requests for legislative and policy action directly to the SCSHA executive board. The new SCSHA LAPA request form (legislative and policy action) is available on this Google Forms link. We would invite you to consider using this form any time. This form was modeled after the SC Medical Association which has a very strong advocacy effort.  

The SCSHA legislative affairs committee meets on November 12th at 7pm. If you would like for your idea to be discussed for a push early in the next year, we need the LAPA request today. 

Complete the SCSHA LAPA Request Form