Committee Sign-Up
Welcome, SCSHA Members! Our executive board voted to start some content-specific committees to help drive our mission of identifying, studying, and reviewing matters related to the affairs and objectives of the Association. Please check out the brand NEW committees below and select one where you would like to jump in!
What will I need to apply? Name and contact information, information about your work setting as an SLP and/or Audiologist, and a short statement on why you feel you’d qualify to be on the committee. If you are applying for a leadership role please be prepared to include a brief statement about why you are interested in leading the committee.
Learn More About Our Committees

Annual Convention
Agenda: Assist getting sponsors and vendors. Review speaker/topic options to determine the Convention Agenda
Chair: Dr. Jessica Berry
Workload anticipated: Quarterly zoom meetings and communication by email as needed.

Assistants Advisory Council - NEW
Agenda: Create content for an Assistants page on the SCSHA website, prioritize issues related to assistants to be addressed by the Executive Board, suggest continuing education content specific to assistants and/or supervision of assistants, suggest issues for legislative advocacy related to assistants practice and/or supervision of assistants.
Chair: VP of Membership and Outreach Membership: Assistants Liaison and 3-5 SLP and/or Audiology Assistants who hold assistant licensure in South Carolina. Committee members other than the Assistants Liaison are not required to hold current ASHA assistant certification.
Workload anticipated: meet at least quarterly prior to the Executive Board meeting and provide a report to the Executive Board of current issues related to assistant practice and supervision.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Agenda: Create content for an AAC hub on SCSHA website, determine advocacy needs with SC DHHS or SCATP, compile educational resources that can be shared, discuss solutions to problems identified
Chair: Stephen Kneece, MA, CCC-SLP
Workload anticipated: need reports a minimum of each quarter to address solutions to the problems identified.

Agenda: licensing/training EIs, co-treatment with EIs, service coordination (reimbursement & roles), EMR system, scope of practice encroachment
Committee Chairs: Andi Lary, Katrina Tompkins
Workload anticipated: need reports a minimum of each quarter to address solutions to the problems identified.

Grants Committee
Agenda: Discuss and draft proposals for grant funding including but not limited to the ASHA State Association Grant, the ASHA Student Advocacy Grant, and any additional grants for which SCSHA meets eligibility criteria. The ASHA State Association Grant is due annually in February and the ASHA Student Advocacy Grant is due annually in October. Proposal drafts should be presented to the board for review and approval prior to the proposal deadline. Approved proposals will be submitted to the granting agency by the President.
Ex-Officio: VP of Clinical and Professional Affairs
Workload anticipated: create a plan and draft a proposal to be submitted for the annual ASHA State Association grant program and the ASHA Student Advocacy grant program at minimum.
Membership: This committee should include the VP of Finance and Leadership or the VP of Membership and Outreach and at least one additional SCSHA member in good standing.

Legislative Affairs
Agenda: ASLP-IC bill, ABA licensure bills, telemedicine bill, examining state-by-state issues and determining potential impacts or plans for South Carolina, creating an advocacy plan for solutions to problems identified by our committees.
Chair: Kelly Caldwell, VP of Government Affairs
Workload anticipated: ongoing basis with some time-limited tasks for the committee

Agenda: Discuss declining public trust in organizations, how that may affect SCSHA, and a plan to reach out to current and potential members of the organization
Chair: Carson Walker
Workload anticipated: need reports a minimum of each quarter to address solutions to problems identified

Agenda: Commercial and Medicaid MCO reimbursement and policy advocacy
Committee Chair: Carrie Hinnant
Membership to include: Clinic director/administrator, SLP with billing/coding experience, 2 SLP clinical providers who are not an administrator, SLP Assistant, ASHA STAR(s), 2 At-Large SCSHA members, 2 student members
Workload anticipated: Need reports each quarter to address solutions to the problems identified. Report to the SCSHA president at quarterly meetings. First meeting to occur when 50% of the committee membership has been filled.

School SLPs
Agenda: DOE certification (understand pros and cons), School and EPSDT issue (requested by SC DHHS), Codes on the fee schedule vs clinical practice, Medicaid issues
Committee Chair: Michelle Jordan & Liddy Parrish
Membership to include: School SLPs
Workload anticipated: need reports a minimum of each quarter to address solutions to the problems identified.